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What kind of camera do you need for aura photography?

Biowell GDV Aura Photography Scan

The type of camera used in aura photography is often a specialized device known as a “Kirlian camera” or “aura camera.” These cameras are designed to capture the electrical coronal discharge, actual auras or energy fields as they are commonly understood in spiritual or metaphysical terms.

Aura photography typically requires a specialized camera known as an “aura camera” or “aura imaging system.” These cameras are specifically designed to capture and display the alleged energy fields or auras around people or objects, as perceived in certain New Age and alternative healing practices. Here are some key features of aura cameras:

  1. Kirlian Camera: The camera used in aura photography is essentially a Kirlian camera. It operates based on the Kirlian photography technique, which captures the electrical discharge or coronal discharge around objects. This discharge is typically attributed to factors such as moisture, humidity, and the electrical properties of the subject’s skin.
  2. Electrography: The camera is equipped with high-voltage electrodes or plates that are placed in contact with the subject’s skin or a conductive surface, such as a photographic plate. When a high-voltage, low-amperage electrical current is applied, it creates a corona discharge that is captured on film or a digital sensor.
  3. Electro-Photonic Imaging: Aura cameras use a technology called Electro-Photonic Imaging (EPI) or similar proprietary systems. EPI is believed to capture the energy emissions or bioelectromagnetic field of a person, which is then represented as colors on the photograph.
  4. Hand Sensors: Aura cameras often come with hand sensors or electrodes that the subject holds during the imaging process. These sensors are intended to measure the electrical characteristics of the skin, which are then interpreted as colors on the aura photograph.
  5. Visual Effects: The resulting image often shows colorful, glowing contours around the subject, which some practitioners claim to represent the person’s aura. These visual effects are primarily attributed to the physical and electrical properties of the subject and the moisture on their skin.
  6. Color Representation: The aura camera translates the electrical measurements into a range of colors. Different colors are associated with various emotional states, personality traits, or energy levels according to the interpretation provided by practitioners of aura reading.
  7. Photographic Output: Aura cameras produce instant photographs, which display the subject’s image along with the colored aura field surrounding them. The colors are superimposed onto the photograph to create the aura effect.
  8. Software and Interpretation: Some aura cameras come with software that provides interpretations of the aura colors. These interpretations are often based on a specific system or belief about the meaning of each color.
  9. Alternative and New Age Practices: Despite its scientific skepticism, aura photography is sometimes used in alternative and New Age practices for aura readings and energy healing. It is viewed as a tool for providing insight into an individual’s energy or emotional state.

It’s important to note that the scientific validity of aura photography and the concept of auras themselves is a subject of skepticism within the mainstream scientific community. Most scientific studies do not support the existence of auras as they are commonly described in New Age and esoteric practices.

If you are interested in aura photography, it’s essential to approach it with an open but critical mind and understand the scientific limitations associated with the practice. The camera used is primarily designed to capture electrical discharges and not necessarily indicative of an individual’s spiritual or metaphysical aura.

Aura photography is primarily used for entertainment, self-reflection, and exploration of personal energy by those who believe in its principles. If you’re interested in aura photography, you can typically find aura photographers or practitioners who offer sessions with aura cameras at New Age or holistic wellness events and centers. Keep in mind that the results should be viewed with an open but critical mind, and they may not have any scientific basis or validity.

Bio Well Camera

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