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What is the HeartMath Inner Balance HRV Biofeedback Tool?

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What is the HeartMath Inner Balance Device Tool?

The Inner Balance technology analyzes and displays our heart rhythm, measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which indicates how emotional states are affecting our nervous system. HRV offers a unique window into the quality of communication between the heart and brain, which directly impacts how we feel and perform.

The HeartMath® Inner Balance is a Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback device, or HRV Biofeedback device for short, measures your short-term heart rate variability or HRV. In other words, in just a few minutes (short-term) you can see how your heart rhythm is changing on a heartbeat to heartbeat basis or how “variable” your heart rate is. In other words, there is natural variation in your heart rate even when you’re resting or sleeping. This differs from your heart rate speeding up because you’re running to catch an airplane.

With a little practice, you train yourself on how to regulate and manage stress naturally, effectively, and at the moment it’s happening by practicing HRV biofeedback. It’s easy, it’s relaxing, and it’s non-invasive (nothing goes into your body). HRV biofeedback helps you:

  • Replenish your energy.
  • Balance your emotions.
  • Quiet an overactive mind.

Researchers have identified the “just right” zone for subtle fluctuations in your heart rate, increasing ever so slightly when you breathe in and ever so slightly when you breathe out. I like to call this the “Goldie Locks” approach to understanding HRV biofeedback–not too much, not too little–just right. For a little more detail, please go to HRV Biofeedback tab on the home page.

Balance, it’s found in nature and it’s something that many health conscious individuals strive for in their daily lives. We often hear about the “work/life balance” or eating a “balanced diet”. What if there was a way to take being balanced to the next level? What if we could tap into the unseen biometric signals of our bodies, and achieve deep balance inside our nervous system?

This is the goal of Inner Balance, a product from the HeartMath Institute. Through biofeedback of your heart rate variability (HRV) in real-time, InnerBalance seeks to guide and push a person’s HRV into what they call a state of “coherence”.

HeartMath Inner Balance Device Tool

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