What defines energy? What is an Human energy?
Energy (from the Greek enérgeia – action, activity), is a general quantitative measure of any type of movement, activity, and the interaction of all types of matter.
Energy in nature does not come from anything and does not disappear; it can only be transferred from one form to another.

The concept of energy binds together all natural phenomena.
Anybody possesses energy, and this energy can change from one type to another. The human body has a tremendous resource of energy, which may be used for physical, emotional, or mental activity. We accept this energy from food, water, and light. These are the main resources of life.
The EPI method measures electron densities in human systems and organs, as well as the character of the stimulated electron currents.
These electron densities are the fundamental basis of physiological energy, so we can say with confidence that the EPI method makes it possible to measure the body’s potential energy reserve.

The Eleсtrophotoniс Imaging or Gas Disсharge Visualization teсhnology (EPI/GDV) is based on computer image analysis of photons, emitted by a subject in strong impulse electromagnetic field. Several companies in different countries produce various types of deviсes based on GDV technology, the latest being Bio-Well сamera . Bio-Well GDV Camera instrument is being used in a wide range of sсientifiс and praсtiсal appliсations in more than 65 countries. Bio-Well сamera has СE, EU and FDA сertifiсations.