What is Aura? Auras is an Energy Field…
Our makeup does not only consist of skin, bone, muscles, and chemical processes. Instead, we are made up of an intricate web of interconnecting energies that interface with the world around us.
The anatomy of these subtle energetic systems has been described as the Aura, Chakras, and energy channels.
Aura or Auras is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds us. Everyone has one, yet the naked eye can’t see Aura. Aura has the same shape as that of the physical body extending beyond the surface of the skin by 4 to 5 inches in most people.
Aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body. Energy analysis by the excellent-quality Aura Camera or Aura Photography Camera is a boon for tomorrow’s real-life health in the lifestyles of the past and the present.

Aura Photography – Aura Energy analysis
The human energy field is composed of several levels, or layers, often referred to as “energy bodies.” The dense physical body is the outermost level or layer. The etheric body, the next level is a duplicate of the physical composed of less dense matter.
After that are the astral (emotional), the mental (causal), and several additional layers of subtle energy bodies, if you’re feeling spacey, confused, or have difficulty focusing, aura balancing will help you to feel more centered and grounded and will enable you to function more effectively.
If you’re stressed or sick, rebalancing the aura through various hands-on healing techniques (such as Therapeutic Touch or Reiki) calms the nervous system and facilitates recovery from illness.
Our aura shows us issues that require our immediate attention right now. One consultation with a trained Aura Energy counselor can pinpoint the root causes of your issues and offer beneficial solutions.
The computer-imaging technology used by Aura Energy Consulting is to the human energy field what the microscope is to bacteria…it reveals a hidden world.
Our aura is a color fingerprint of who you are: body, emotions, mind, and spirit. The colors of our aura have their own meaning and affect us in different ways.
One consultation with a trained Aura Energy counselor can pinpoint the root causes of your issues and offer beneficial solutions through Aura Photography from Aura Camera.

We also do Aura Photography and provide health and Wellness Reports. For an appointment please contact – +91 22 6735 3637 / +91 70456 98373
Interesting Corner: A few Interesting Articles about Aura Photography, Kirlian Photography Scan, and Bio-Well GDV Camera…
–How Aura Photography Helps Healers
–The Key To Good Health, Aura Photography Is As Important As The Life Insurance
–The Myth and Science of Kirlian Photography – Telepathy, result of AURA Communicating together
–Aura Photography by Bio-Well Camera – Latest Russian Technology for Healthcare
–Aura Photography Through The Bio-Well Camera Is The Key To Maintain Good Health And Keep Diseases Away
–Aura Chakra Photography for Healers, Therapist, Alternative Medicine Doctor Pre and Post treatment Human Energy Field and Check Chakra Balance Report by GDV
–Prediction of Health Problems by Aura Photography Scan or Aura Camera
–Future Diseases – Know Your Aura Know Future Diseases through Bio-Well Aura Camera through Aura Photography
–The Bio-Well Camera Prepares A Report On How Healthy You Are
–Energy Analysis By The Excellent Quality Bio-Well GDV Camera Is A Boon For Tomorrow’s Real Life Health In The Lifestyle Of The Past And The Present
–This Special Bio-Well Camera Holds The Secrets Of Good Health
–The mirror to your health
–‘Bio-well camera’ means a mirror on the finger tips that unravels the mystery of the ascending and descending ladder of Aura energy level.
– Uses and Benefit of Aura Photography : Get a holistic view of your well-being today
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Suru Kirlian Photography Center, 11, Sona Udyog, Andheri (East), Mumbai, India