We are constantly feeling stress in today’s busy life. Mental stress affects the body. As a result, we fall prey to serious diseases. There are several formulae to stay healthy, but we do not have time today, hence we cannot try these formulae. When a serious disease affects us we land into trouble. In this situation, how will it be if we come across some herbs which can inform us in advance about the disease?
This herb is the bio-well camera, which does an energy analysis of our body by doing aura photography and provides the partial information about how healthy is our body. Practicing with the bio-well camera for a long time, Andheri’s renowned doctor, Dr. J.M. Shah has come to our rescue for maintaining good health.
Dr. J.M. Shah says that as our body’s photograph is taken with a simple camera, the bio-well camera takes the picture of the internal energy of the body i.e., the body’s radiance exactly in the same manner. This camera does the aura photography through the finger tips. When the finger tips are placed alternatively on the lens of the camera, it gives the information about energy along with the amount of positive and negative energy flowing in the body.

A report of this information is prepared just like the ECG or any other report. By looking at it, we get in advance partial information about the disease that is likely to affect us in future and when we know that our heart, lungs or any other part has gone weak, we can avoid major illness by taking timely treatment.
With the help of this unique camera, beside good health we can come to know if the energy flowing through the ornaments worn, effect of environment, colour, and pictures hung on the walls of home or office is negative or positive. It also gives us the information about gain or loss in our business or nature which can be converted to give rise to a positive environment from a negative one by carrying out the necessary changes.

For the good health and well being of the businesses of the people many organizations are conducting camps of aura photography with the bio-well camera made by the latest Russian technology. This technology is extremely helpful in body, mind and business hence it is being used in India for quite a long time. However, enough awareness is not found about this concept hence people are unable to gain from it.
With the help of this photography, we can be cautious about the diseases which might affect us in future by getting the advance partial information and can save our valuable time and money. Apart from this, with the balanced levels of our physical energy we can gain control over our anger and capability and give best results.
A famous doctor of Russia and Andheri, Mumbai Dr. J.M. Shah is the introducer of bio-well camera in India. To attend his seminar, to learn the use of a bio-well camera, to buy it or to open a center you can contact him at jashvant2@gmail.com
Interesting Corner : Few of the Interesting Articles about Aura Photography, Kirlian Photography Scan, Biowell GDV Camera….
–How Aura Photography Helps Healers
–The Key To Good Health, Aura Photography Is As Important As The Life Insurance
–The Myth and Science of Kirlian Photography – Telepathy, result of AURA Communicating together
–Aura Photography by Bio-Well Camera – Latest Russian Technology for Healthcare
–Aura Photography Through The Bio-Well Camera Is The Key To Maintain Good Health And Keep Diseases Away
–Aura Chakra Photography for Healers, Therapist, Alternative Medicine Doctor Pre and Post treatment Human Energy Field and Check Chakra Balance Report by GDV
–Prediction of Health Problems by Aura Photography Scan or Aura Camera
–Future Diseases – Know Your Aura Know Future Diseases through Bio-Well Aura Camera through Aura Photography
–The Bio-Well Camera Prepares A Report On How Healthy You Are
–Energy Analysis By The Excellent Quality Bio-Well GDV Camera Is A Boon For Tomorrow’s Real Life Health In The Lifestyle Of The Past And The Present
–This Special Bio-Well Camera Holds The Secrets Of Good Health
–The mirror to your health
–‘Bio-well camera’ means a mirror on the finger tips that unravels the mystery of the ascending and descending ladder of Aura energy level.
– Uses and Benefit of Aura Photography : Get a holistic view of your well-being today
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Suru Kirlian Photography Center, 11, Sona Udyog, Andheri (East), Mumbai, India