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Relationship of Aura with body, mind, and spirit

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Aura Reading Scan

Aura, the subtle energy shield, is often depicted as a halo in illustrations. Aura is an electromagnetic field around every living body. In human beings, it is a storehouse of all negative and positive energies. An energy body of auras has seven layers, each layer being related to each of the seven energy chakras or wheels located along the spine. The auras are also related to the layers and are influenced by sound vibrations. A healthy aura signifies a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Monitoring the changes in aura energy can help you in diagnosing ailments. Often, with the help of aura energy pictures, an illness can be detected much before the symptoms of the disease appear. You may even discover the emotional state and sense life’s purpose.

It is not easy to look at one’s aura with the naked eye but the discovery of the Kirlian camera by a Russian scientist, SD Kirlian, has made it possible to take photographs of the aura. Clairvoyants can also discern the colors of the aura. Pure and shining and bright in the aura indicate good health. Murky and dull colors reveal symptoms of impending illness.

The aura’s health can be maintained, for instance, by regular practice of yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, pranic healing, Bio-well BIO-COR sound therapy.

It is important to keep the aura free from negative energies such as anger, worry, fear, and other emotions that disturb the normal functioning of the physical, mental, and emotional systems.

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