Aura Effect or Kirlian effect on photographic film – Aura Photography

The technology used by BIO-WELL is based on the studies carried out by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian (20th February 1898 – 4th April 1978). Kirlian was a Russian scientist and inventor; in 1939 he discovered the Kirlian effect, which was in fact named after him. The Kirlian effect is a particular optical-photographic effect characterised by the presence of a glow around an observed and/or photographed object (Aura Photography).
By applying a voltage current to the same object, an image is then produced on photographic film. In classical physics and in electrical engineering this phenomenon is usually attributed to and associated with the well-known corona discharge, that is the ionisation of gases in the presence of a high electrical field, which in turn generates a visible coloured and luminous glow around the observed object.
When photographing a part of the human body, the Kirlian effect depends on the skin’s resistance, which interacts with the electrical charge thus changing its intensity. The resulting image is therefore only an indirect reproduction of the aura’s energetic field.

GDV BIO-WELL Camera – created in 1995 by the Russian physic Kostantin Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect – is on the other hand a bioelectrography tool, which however goes well beyond the Kirlian camera (a non-precision device), as it supplies quantifiable and scientific data.
Kostantin Korotkov is a Professor in biophysics at St. Petersburg University and Chairman of IUMAB (International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography). He published over 200 scientific articles, 5 books including ‘Human Energy Field’ and ‘Light after Life’ and owns 15 patents in biophysics. Using GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) technology,
GDV BIO-WELL Camera can measure the Human energetic field or Aura Energy in its physical-psychological-emotional-spiritual components, the health of organs and body parts, the opening of chakras, as well as the stress and aura energy levels.
BIO-WELL GDV Camera is the first device for viewing the distribution of the human energy field’s or Aura Energy / Kirlian Energy.
A process which can be easily reproduced and printed at a low cost. By taking fingerprints using a special electrode system, a high-intensity electromagnetic field is formed around the fingers with the production of a gas discharge, the luminescence of which can be recorded and measured.
BIO-WELL GDV Camera uses sophisticated tools such as special optics, digital tv matrices, advanced computer image processing, resulting in a scientific practice based on modern technology. The interaction between traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda medicine and Western medicine allows the identification of the organs and systems of our body on corresponding points on our fingers