Question – What Can You Do With Your Bio-Well GDV Camera Instrument?
Answer – Measuring Human Energy Field, Measure Aura Energy Field
Measuring Human Energy Field or Aura Energy Field
Human Energy Field (HEF) – is the most sensitive reflection of the physical, emotional, and in some cases, spiritual condition of a person.
We take measurements from 10 fingers of both hands and using sophisticated software create an image of the Human Energy Field. The principle is based on the connection of fingers with different organs and systems of the body by Chinese energy meridians. This idea was first proposed by Dr. Voll in Germany, later developed by Dr. Mandel either in Germany and then clinically verified and corrected by a team of Dr. Korotkov in Russia.
Therefore, the image, which we create in the Bio-Well GDV Camera instrument, is based on ideas of Traditional Chinese Medicine and verified by 15 years of clinical experience by hundreds of medical doctors with many thousands of patients.

Bio-Well GDV Camera is not a medical instrument. Bio-Well GDV Camera gives you an impression of your Energy Field and allows you to see its day-to-day transformation and the influence of different situations and stimulus to your HEF and hence, to your condition.
The Energy Field program is designed to process GDV images and to build a model of the human energy field using the information obtained from 10 GDV images of human fingers.

The creation of the energy field is based on a diagnostic map. The Energy Field shows the human energy field as an image around the human contour and represents it in tables and diagrams in numeric form.
Next Article Let us see what is good and what is bad in Aura Energy Fields
How do I get a demo of these products to help people align their aura. Energy Medicine is part of my new career and need products that can help me. I’m a registered nurse that has gone through some extensive energy based training.