Kirlian photography was discovered by the Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian in 1939. Since then, numerous developments have taken place in terms of technological advancements of Kirlian photography and Kirlian cameras, and more Advanced results are seen these days. Bio-Well Camera from Russia Provide Quality Analysis for Human Energy Field(HEF).
Semyon Davidovich Kirlian was a Russian inventor and researcher of Armenian descent, who along with his wife Valentina Khrisanovna Kirlian, a teacher and journalist, discovered and developed Kirlian Photography.

Kirlian Photography is a Photo technique that uses the fingertips of the human which reads the Kirlian energy through GDV Camera uses Gas discharge visualization (GDV) technique to take photographs of usually invisible radiating energy fields that surround us all.
GDV Camera has been developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from Bio-Well Russia and brings the powerful technology known as the Gas Discharge Visualization technique and Dr. Jashvant M Shah has brought GDV Camera Technology to India in 2002.

The Kirlian is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body called Human Energy Field-HEF and every organism and object on the earth.
Kirlian photography is used to find the energy levels in each area of your body. If the low energy shows in the report, then the energy can be enhanced by giving healing with treatment by healers specially trained.
Kirlian Aura scanning is a new powerful tool to study the health, personality, ability & inner nature of an individual.
This Kirlian photography shows you the energy around your body and gives you an understanding of your thinking patterns, Stress Level, and Health Status.