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Is aura photography real? & What is Aura photography used for?

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Is aura photography real?

Aura photography is a concept that is often associated with capturing the supposed energy fields or auras around living beings. It typically involves using special cameras and sensors that claim to detect and visualize these energy fields. However, it’s important to note that the scientific validity of aura photography is widely debated, and many experts consider it to be a pseudoscientific practice.

The concept of auras in this context comes from New Age and esoteric beliefs rather than mainstream scientific understanding. Proponents of aura photography claim that these energy fields can reveal a person’s emotional, psychological, and even spiritual states. They suggest that different colors and patterns in the aura correspond to different aspects of a person’s well-being.

What is Aura photography used for?

Kirlian Aura photography, also known as electrography, is a photographic technique that captures the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges around objects when they are subjected to a high-voltage, high-frequency electrical field. It was named after Semyon Kirlian, who, along with his wife Valentina Kirlian, pioneered the technique in the late 1930s.

Initially, Kirlian photography gained attention as a way to visualize the “aura” or energy field purportedly emitted by living organisms. This led to claims that the technique could reveal a person’s physical and emotional state or even diagnose illnesses. However, it’s important to note that these claims were largely unsubstantiated and lacked scientific validity. The visual effects seen in Kirlian photography are primarily due to factors like moisture and conductivity of the objects being photographed, rather than any direct capture of an aura.

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Bio-Well camera is used to capture aura?

Yes, the Bio-Well camera is one of the devices that claims to capture and visualize a person’s “aura” or energy field. The Bio-Well camera is based on the principles of electrography, similar to Kirlian photography, and is marketed as a tool for assessing a person’s physical, emotional, and energetic states.

Developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, the Bio-Well camera is supposed to measure the electromagnetic field emissions from a person’s fingertips when they are placed on a sensor. The camera then translates these measurements into images that supposedly represent the person’s aura and energy distribution. The images often display different colors and patterns, which are said to correspond to various aspects of the person’s well-being.

Bio-Well Camera

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