Bio-Cor is a combination of Music with Frequency based on your own frequency and special music. The musical file is recorded in Tibet from 7 Tibetian Bowls and modified based on your own frequency measured by Bio-Well. During 10 minutes music slowly transforms to the most positive healing sound. The other 7 musical files for all 7 Chakras are composed by Kimba Arem from Colorado, USA. In these compositions, Kimba is using the principle of binaural effect.
Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public 5 awareness in the late 20th century based on results that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.,
The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject’s ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (less than or equal to 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately, and no beat will be perceived. Binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing. Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and have been reported to reduce anxiety and to provide other health benefits such as control over pain.
Take Benefit of binaural frequencies made by the Bio-Cor Device
Bio-Cor is an energy and information device for relaxation and balancing + for energizing/informing various liquids like water. It utilizes finger scan data from Bio-Well to create a customized audio experience designed to reduce stress. These results can help in developing a better lifestyle.

Nice Sir. You are still so enthu & inspiring when we met last I remember your interest in energy & beyond & knowledge are well appreciated. Great product I guess. Would love to visit to see the demo personally.