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How is aura photography done? or How Does Auraphotography Work?

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Human Aura

Aura photography is a process that claims to capture and visualize a person’s aura, a subtle energy field that some people believe surrounds and emanates from the body. The concept of auras is rooted in various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, but from a scientific perspective, there is limited empirical evidence to support their existence.

Biofeedback and Electrophotography The most common method used in aura photography involves biofeedback and electrophotography. The person being photographed usually places their hands on metal sensors, which are connected to a device that measures the skin’s electrical conductance. The sensors pick up data related to the person’s skin temperature, electrical resistance, and other biofeedback parameters.

Aura photography is a form of alternative photography that claims to capture the energy fields or auras surrounding a person. While traditional photography captures the visible light spectrum, aura photography attempts to capture the subtle energy fields that some believe exist around living beings. Here’s an overview of how aura photography is typically done:

  1. Biofeedback System: The process starts with a biofeedback system or an electro-dermal screening device. This device measures the skin’s electrical conductivity, which is believed to be influenced by the energy field or aura of the person being photographed.
  2. Hand Sensors: The person being photographed usually places their hands on special sensors connected to the biofeedback system. These sensors read the electrical signals from the person’s skin.
  3. Energy Reading: The biofeedback system interprets the electrical signals and converts them into data that represents the person’s energy state or aura.
  4. Visualization: The data is then translated into a visual representation, often using colors to represent different energy frequencies. The colors are projected onto a polaroid or digital photograph.
  5. Instant Photo by Bio Well GDV Camera: The camera captures the person’s photograph with the projected Kirlian effect representing their aura human energy, and the polaroid print or digital image is produced immediately.
  6. Aura Interpretation: After the photograph is taken, some practitioners will offer an aura interpretation, explaining the meaning of the colors and patterns present in the aura image. Different colors are associated with various emotions, traits, or spiritual conditions according to certain belief systems.
Aura Photography and Aura Energy Scanning

It’s important to note that aura photography is considered pseudoscientific by the mainstream scientific community. There is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of auras, and any interpretations of aura photographs are subjective and based on individual beliefs rather than empirical data.

However, it should not be used as a substitute for medical or psychological advice and should be approached with an open but critical mind.

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