A Modern Device to Scan your Aura Energy… See what’s in your Aura….. Bio-Well GDV – A Unique Aura Scan system
Aura Photography Bio-Well camera utilizes a weak, completely painless electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. The data from each test is converted to a unique “Photonic Profile”, which is compared to the database of hundreds of thousands of data records using 55 distinct parametric discriminates, and charted so that it is available for discussion and analysis. A graph of the findings is presented as a two-dimensional image. To study these images, fractal, matrix, and various algorithmic techniques are linked and analyzed.
Aura Photography Bio-Well Camera Using the powerful technology of Gas Discharge Visualization, Bio-Well illustrates the state of a person’s aura energy field. When a scan is taken, a high-intensity electrical field stimulates the emission of photons and electrons from human skin; powerful imaging technology captures photon emissions given off by each finger. The images are then mapped to different body organs and systems of the body, tapping into Ayurveda. The images created using the Bio-Well system are based on the ideas of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This concept was clinically verified and corrected through 18 years of clinical research by a team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in St. Petersburg Russia.
Healers, Therapist, Alternative Medicine and Health Professional Pre and Post-treatment Human Energy Field Aura Photography Report by Bio-Well GDV Camera
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To Know More About Bio Well Camera or GDV Camera – https://jmshah.com/bio-well-camera/
Know More About Aura and Aura Photography – What is Aura – https://jmshah.com/what-is-aura/
Kirlian Photography (Kirlian Effect) Human Energy Analysis – Done By Bio-Well GDV Camera – https://jmshah.com/aura-kirlian-photography/