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How are aura photos taken by Aura Photography Camera?

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Aura Phptography

Aura photos are taken using a process known as Kirlian photography, which is a photographic technique that captures the “aura” or electromagnetic field surrounding living beings and objects. Here’s a basic overview of how aura photos are taken:

  1. Setup: A person (or object) is positioned on a specially designed plate that is connected to an electrode. The plate is usually made of glass or another transparent material. The person places their hands or any part of their body on the plate, which acts as a conductor.
  2. Electrode Connection: The electrode is connected to a high-voltage power source. When the power is turned on, a high-frequency, high-voltage electric field is generated around the object. This electric field interacts with the electromagnetic field of the person or object, causing ionization and generating a corona discharge.
  3. Photographic Plate: A photographic plate or film is placed above the transparent plate where the person’s hands or body are positioned. This photographic material captures the light emitted from the corona discharge. Sometimes, special photographic paper or materials sensitive to the emitted light are used.
  4. High-Voltage Source: A high-voltage source is used to create an electric field between the object being photographed and the camera’s film or sensor. This high voltage ionizes the air around the object, creating a corona discharge.
  5. Contact or Gas Discharge: Depending on the technique used, the object can either be in direct contact with the photographic medium or placed on a conductive surface that is connected to the high-voltage source. Alternatively, a gas discharge method involves placing the object between two conductive plates in a controlled atmosphere.
  6. Exposure: The photographic plate is exposed to the light emitted by the corona discharge for a short period of time, typically a few seconds. During this exposure, the light patterns produced by the interaction of the electromagnetic field and the corona discharge are captured on the photographic medium.
  7. Development: After exposure, the photographic plate is developed using standard photographic processes. This reveals the captured patterns of light, which are believed to represent the aura or energy field around the person.
  8. Interpretation: The resulting image shows colorful, ethereal patterns around the person’s body, which are often interpreted as their aura. Different patterns are believed to correspond to different emotional, mental, and physical states.

It’s important to note that the scientific validity of aura photography and Kirlian photography is a topic of debate. While some people consider these techniques to be a way to visualize and study energy fields, the scientific community generally considers them to be more a result of physical phenomena.

Despite the lack of scientific validation, aura photography remains popular in certain New Age and spiritual circles as a form of self-expression and personal insight. If you’re interested in getting an aura photo taken, you can often find practitioners or events that offer this service at healing centers, holistic health centers, and spiritual gatherings.

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