In what may seem like science fiction but the revolutionary GDV camera claims that the aura images taken from this Kirlian technology can forecast the illnesses in the body. The services are now available in Mumbai as Dr. Jashvant Shah, an expert on the subject, has procured the Bio-Well GDV technology from Russia. All that you need to do is to put the tips of your fingers under the GDV Bio-Well camera. You get a complete diagnosis report in less than 30 minutes.
The product and its usability will be demonstrated first at the Astroo World 2015 trade show at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Goregaon from January 16 – 18 by Dr. J M Shah and his team. Dr. Shah has done a joint case study with Dr. Konstantein Koroktov on heart patients at Pokrovskya Hospital. St. Petersburg Russia, under the supervision of cardiologist Dr. Kukuyi. Informing about the GDV camera, Dr. Shah said, “The GDV Camera complex consists of hardware and software, for the direct computer registration and processing of a subject’s energy field. GDV pictures are created by a unique patented optical system and CCD camera in daylight conditions with real-time processing. Diagnosis by Kirlian photography every six months can be useful for prevention of major diseases of brain, heart, kidney, lungs or intestines.”
The worldwide human genome project is for the prediction of diseases. It is an international, collaborative research program whose goal is the complete mapping and understanding of all the Genes of Human beings. Gene is one of the factors controlling heredity. This project will give healthcare providers immense new powers to treat, prevent and cure diseases. Research in alternative medicine can help to prevent diseases at much lesser costs.
Dr. Konstantein Koroktov, a Russian Scientist and Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg Technical University made this camera, computerized it, and introduced many scientific functions. In 1939 a Russian photographer Mr. Samuan Kirlian invented this camera to take photographs of the human aura. After his name, this camera is known as the Kirlian camera.