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Eye Infections & Irritations

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Like any organ, the eye is subject to problems and illnesses. Many are easily remedied. Find your symptom and learn more.


If you suffer from allergies, your eyes may be affected, too. They may be red, itchy, and watery and your eyes and eyelids may even be inflamed.

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computers are straining our eyes, creating a condition often referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome.

Contact Lens Discomfort

Soft contact lenses are generally comfortable from the beginning of use . Contact lens discomfort can occur but is usually easily remedied.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is the loss or reduction of the eye’s ability to produce normal tears. It is one of the most frequent causes of visits to an eye care professional

Eyelid Irritation

Eyelid inflammation, or blepharitis, is a common disorder in which the eyelids become red, inflamed, and accumulate build-up around their edges.

Foreign Objects / Eye Irritants

A foreign object in your eye could be a piece of dust, grit or something larger—and more serious.

Infected Tear Duct

Also called dacryocystitis, this is an inflammation of the tear drainage system in one or both eyes that cause excessive tearing, and sometimes redness and discharge despite there being no presence of allergies, cold, or other concerns.

Pink Eye (conjunctivitis)

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the transparent membrane that lines the eyelids and eye. Pink eye is generally the term used when this inflammation is caused by certain types of bacteria


A sty is a bacterial infection near the root of an eyelash. It is a very common infection that is rarely serious, although it is typically painful.

Tired Eyes

Tired eye is another term for what is commonly known as eyestrain – when eyes feel achy, weak, or heavy due to intense use.

Watery Eyes

Watery eyes happen when eyes produce a surplus of tears, or in other words, when eyes make more tears than they can efficiently drain.

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