In the flowing stream of time everyday sun, moon, planets, stars etc. appear from time to time and bring about the dawn and dusk. This routine of time cannot be reversed but to cause a change in the supernatural radiance which is all around us and in the speed of cycle of our body is in our hands. We can know the right time and type of change that is important for it and those who understand this they can be capable of putting off the entry of diseases in their bodies. Hence, they can be 100 percent safe from physical pain and live a peaceful life. It sounds like a dream but it is a reality and it acceptance is still two steps behind as per the Russian figures.

The aura photography with the bio-well camera technology, also known as the Kirlian technology is well known in Russia and is popular in the main cities of India for the last 25 years. It is a path-breaking modern technology that measures the psychological, emotional and digital ratio i.e., energy level of the body. Every human being has got only one body but as per the scientists, the aura which is around the body is also a part of the body which is not visible and it is identified as the radiance. By finding out the proportion of negative energy around the body it can understood that what degree of suffering or disease is being invited. With the help of aura photography, the patients of heart, lungs, joints pain, knee pain, liver, kidney, cancer, psycho patients, patients in the state of comma or other major diseases like brain can gain much as an alternative treatment. Using a bio-well camera the aura photography done through the finger tips the properties of iron, patience, internal strength, concentration, positivity and negativity and may such properties supernatural power and prime importance can be seen. Do you know that we can save ourselves from the negativity and positivity that hugely flows out from the jewellery worn, coloured threads, precious gems of different colours, pictures on the walls of home and office and which causes severe loss in due course of time?

Exhibiting detachment towards the excellent technology, people are repenting after pushing their bodies towards harmful conditions. In favourable and odd conditions, diseases cause interruptions in our work; we should not delay in keeping such conditions at bay and ensuring proper development of our physical fitness. People interested to buy a bio-well camera or to open a centre in their area, please contact Dr. J.M. Shah in Mumbai-Andheri West or contact at +91 9821055218 and