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What is Biowell Aura Photography Camera?

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Aura Kirlian Photography

The GDV (= Gas Discharge Visualization) Aura Photography Camera developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov is a high-end device capable of measuring the state of health of the body by means of a highly sensitive electromagnetic field, and visualizing the result with the associated computer software.

How does a Kirlian camera work?

Aura Photography or Kirlian photography is a technique for creating contact print photographs using high voltage. The process entails placing sheet photographic film on top of a metal discharge plate. The object to be photographed is then placed directly on top of the film. The developed film results in a Kirlian photograph of the object.

Furthermore, what is BioWell Camera? Bio Well Camera or Kirlian Camera is a revolutionary, non-intrusive way to measure the human energy field using a specialized camera and software system. The product consists of a desktop camera and accompanying software, which allows a user to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans.

Considering this, what is Aura photography?

Aura photography is a high-tech bio-feedback imaging camera that takes a photo of your dynamic electromagnetic field. The photo taken is a window to your inner self. Each chakra shown in the photo reveals a particular aspect of your personality and has a specific meaning just for you.

What can you see with Kirlian photography?

The Kirlian photographic process reveals visible “auras” around the objects photographed. These photographs have been the subject of much myth and controversy over the years. Interestingly, much of which was initially used to explain the Kirlian phenomena was put forth by the inventor himself, along with his wife.

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