With the information from this Bio-Well GDV device you will gain insight into:
- What organs in your body contain energy blockages
- Where your body is storing physical and emotional trauma
- How well your chakras are aligned
- How much energy reserves you have
- What your stress level is
- How balanced your autonomic nervous system is

When your body is out of balance, the energy discharge captured will be rough and irregular. Those rough and irregular patches indicate where your body has trapped physical or emotional trauma and to what degree it’s a problem (acute, chronic, etc) in your life. If you’re already dealing with a problematic medical issue, the GDV camera sessions could be an invaluable resource for you. Allowing you to better understand where you are today and as a tool to help you monitor your progress and healing. Connect with us for a demo or to know more about the Bio-Well GDV device.
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