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Bio-Well Chakras View Features – Full Body Scan Chakras By Bio-Well GDV Camera

Bio-Well Chakras View Features

What Bio-Well Camera Chakras Scan Shows

The Chakras View provides an understanding of the user’s psychological and spiritual condition by processing GDV images from the user’s fingers and connecting the chakra with the part of the finger to which the corresponding systems of the human body are projected. This view presents an estimation of the user’s Chakra energies and graphically displays each Chakras normalized energy value and emotional-physical imbalance of the energy centers of the human body. The user is able to see the size and alignment of their Chakras and can compare this to the ideal state.

You are presented with a visual representation of the alignment and size of your energy chakras. If you click on each Chakra, a new window will appear that will allow you can see the actual number associated to the size and positioning. Additionally, you can read more about that specific chakra and what it means

Chakras Photography
GDV Camera Chakras View Features | GDV Camera Chakra Test

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