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Your illness could be because of your Unbalanced body Chakras, Stress, Negative Human Energy Fields know their status through Aura Photography

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Persons are not just made up of physical body but also consist of the energy body, which includes Auras and seven chakras etc. The physical body is visible to the naked eyes but the energy body isn’t, to view the aura energy body one needs GDV Camera or Aura Photography camera.

Aura photography processes human electromagnetic fields, based on the Bio-Well GDV technology. GDV Camera serves as a fantastic Device especially when a sufferer gets disappointed by not finding precise reasoning behind physical illness or mental issues in spite of various tests conducted on the body. By analyzing correctly stimulated and recorded aura photography images it seems possible to quantify whether a person is stressed, tired or unwell and determine the bio-energetic electro-photonic performance of the body and mind.

Not just Spiritual Guru nd Healers even Scientists and researchers today all around the world have found that the auras is electromagnetic field of human energy that extends all around our body. The aura of a person is directly connected to the level of health of the person. A person is considered to be Healthy in terms of Physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional wellbeing as well as highly positive spiritual energies. So a person who is healthy at all these levels has a bigger and brighter aura and vice versa in the case of an unhealthy person.

Aura photography has the possibility to serve as a very powerful and comprehensive health analysis camera device, capable of showing the Level of Auras, Chakras position

By utilizing the potential of Aura Photography it should be possible to take preventive measures

Aura Photography uses and one can know

  • How healthy or unwell your Aura is
  • How Balanced or Imbalanced your Body Chakras are
  • How much energy is there in your organs
  • Present health status of all your organs
  • Probable future diseases
  • Major energy imbalances behind your physical or Mental distresses

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