There was a time when 50 was considered to be very big age in our country. Some could luckily stay till 70, 80 or 90 years of age. The reason behind this was the lack of facilities to cure diseases. Even, people died due to the very common ailments like fever or cold. As the latest facilities of treatment have become available with time, today the age limit has reached about 70 on an average.
The age limit has definitely increased. But the alarming rise in the influence of fatal diseases like cancer, kidney and heart disease has left us all worried. Under these circumstances, how would it be if we find one such resource that can provide a solution to the changes taking place in our body? Yes, such a resource is available today – the bio-well camera, with its help we can do a partial evaluation of how healthy we are and we can come to know about the internal energy of our body.

A report or graph of our body’s aura i.e., the radiance can be obtained by placing the finger tip on the lens of bio-well camera, based on the Russian technology. In this report, the internal energy of the body as well as the negative or positive energy of the body can be measured and on its basis we can surely understand how healthy we are; we can also get prior information about the part of the body which can be affected by a disease in future and we can keep ourselves safeguarded from it by resorting to timely measures well in advance.
The prime thing is that there is very little awareness about the bio-well camera which is capable of revealing the secrets of our health. If we look at it, this Russian technology is popular for the last 30 years. Being less aware about this modern technology equipment if we encounter any major disease all of a sudden, we are forced to cough up lakhs of rupees to hospitals. Even after getting medical tests done on time and finding nothing in the reports people fall prey to serious diseases.

On the contrary, if an estimation of the physical health is done with the use of a bio-well camera, we can get the prior information about the diseases to come at a very nominal cost. Bio-well camera provides a report of all the cycles available inside our body. These cycles are the fundamental pillars of our body. If there is anything wrong in the cycles, it gives us the information about the component and on its basis timely remedial actions are taken and we put off the big problems.
We have heard a saying, “Healthy body houses a healthy mind”. When the body and mind are healthy, we can concentrate on any work and achieve our goal. There are many centres of aura photography in the main cities. Most of the centres are becoming the main attraction for the foreigners because of solution of 7 cycles through aura photography. Expert in aura photography, the great personality, Dr. J.M. Shah can be met with prior appointment at the Sona Udyog of Andheri in Mumbai.
Renowned doctor of Russia and Andheri, Dr. J.M. Shah is the flag-bearer of bio-well camera. To attend his seminar, to learn the use of a bio-well camera, to buy it or to open a centre you can contact him at 022-67353637 (3 Lines).
Interesting Corner : Few of the Interesting Articles about Aura Photography, Kirlian Photography Scan, Biowell GDV Camera….
–How Aura Photography Helps Healers
–The Key To Good Health, Aura Photography Is As Important As The Life Insurance
–The Myth and Science of Kirlian Photography – Telepathy, result of AURA Communicating together
–Aura Photography by Bio-Well Camera – Latest Russian Technology for Healthcare
–Aura Photography Through The Bio-Well Camera Is The Key To Maintain Good Health And Keep Diseases Away
–Aura Chakra Photography for Healers, Therapist, Alternative Medicine Doctor Pre and Post treatment Human Energy Field and Check Chakra Balance Report by GDV
–Prediction of Health Problems by Aura Photography Scan or Aura Camera
–Future Diseases – Know Your Aura Know Future Diseases through Bio-Well Aura Camera through Aura Photography
–The Bio-Well Camera Prepares A Report On How Healthy You Are
–Energy Analysis By The Excellent Quality Bio-Well GDV Camera Is A Boon For Tomorrow’s Real Life Health In The Lifestyle Of The Past And The Present
–This Special Bio-Well Camera Holds The Secrets Of Good Health
–The mirror to your health
–‘Bio-well camera’ means a mirror on the finger tips that unravels the mystery of the ascending and descending ladder of Aura energy level.
– Uses and Benefit of Aura Photography : Get a holistic view of your well-being today
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Suru Kirlian Photography Center, 11, Sona Udyog, Andheri (East), Mumbai, India