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Inshorts Aura Photography

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Kirlian Electro-Photography

About Aura Photography inshorts

The aura is an electro-magnetic field that exists around every living thing body, from which we can learn about ourselves or our own individual life force. An ‘aura’ is the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds, encompasses and permeates the body as well as all living things. Kirlian photography is used to capture images of a person’s aura

An aura reading looks at the Human Energy Field, Chakras Position and Size. From understanding yourself on an emotional or mental level to treating imbalances, aura readings can be a great way to finding the wellness, wellbeing within.

Every living thing on earth radiates a field of energy, which is called an aura. For humans, there are seven main centres in the body that produce the aura energy, and these energy centres are called ‘Chakras’. These energy fields can be scanned over long distance and then interpreted by healers or alternative medicine doctors. The analysis provides an evaluation of the individual’s physical health and spiritual status.

Aura Photography

Bio Well GDV Camera has a special bio-feedback kirlian device built into the arms that measure the electromagnetic field from the meridian points on your hands.

Aura photography scan can be used for measureing of energy field, chakras Position and a variety of the physical and mental health report.

Know More About Aura Cameras, Bio Well GDV Software, and Aura Photography EquipmentVisit Our Home Page Book your aura photography reading now…

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