
Everything in nature is surrounded by energy fields that can be detected by dowsing. Dowsing is defined as the study of the energy of a field by a person who has electromagnetic ability.
All living and nonliving things constantly radiate, giving rays and vibrations that are specific, like the fingerprints of each individual. These rays cause vibrations in the dowser’s muscle, which in turn vibrates the pendulum.

Dowsing is reported to date back approximately 7000 years, but its origins are still unknown. It is accepted, however, that the Egyptians used images of forked rods in some of their artwork, as did the Ancient Chinese kings. In Europe, it was known for dowsing to be used in the Middle Ages to find coal deposits. Since this time, people have dowsed for everything from lost objects to missing people; some of them are reported to be very accurate, although the scientific community as a whole has yet to decide if they support or refute this ability. Some people earn money by advising mining companies before conducting test drilling/core samples.

Dowsing, scientifically known as rediasesthesia, is the interaction of the dowser’s mind and the energy of the object of interest. Most Dowsing is used to find water and minerals. It has been used to find lost objects, even people. It can be used to dowse the subtle energy field surrounding objects, plants, animals, and people. If we are doing energy healing, we can dowse a patient’s body before and after treatment and observe any energy changes. If we quantify these results, we can reach conclusions about the efficiency of our techniques.
Dowsing can help us diagnose diseases. The most important part is that it can predict diseases by obtaining information about the movement of energy in our subtle bodies associated with endocrine glands.
Diagnosis by Kirlian Aura Photography, as well as by Dowsing, is more reliable. It is in fact superior to conventional systems because later cannot predict diseases.4