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Prediction of Future Diseases by Dowsing

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Long ago China was ruled by kings. At that time physicians were paid for keeping people healthy. Whenever someone fell sick, remuneration of physician of his area was stopped till the sick person became healthy again. Physicians had the knowledge to predict diseases by examining pulse of the persons. Prevention was then done by acupressure or acupuncture therapy for which China is still a leader today.

A spiritual Dowser can get indication of future diseases by dowsing. I am using the following method.

I ask my Pendulum the following Questions:

Questions | Answers
1) Do I have any health problem ? Yes
2) Is it located in physical body? No
3) Is it located in Auric body? Yes
(This indicates Future problem)

I then ask questions about location of diseases in Chakras:


7- CROWNPinealUpper brain, Right eye.
6-HEADPituitaryLower brain, Left eye, Ears, Nose,
Nervous system.
5-THROATThyroidBronchial and vocal
apparatus, lungs, Alimentary canal
4-HEARTThymusHeart, Blood, Vagus nerve, Circulatory
3-SOLAR PLEXUSPancreasStomach, Liver, Gall bladder, Nervous
2-SACRALGonadsReproductive system
1-BASEAdrenalsSpinal column, Kidneys
Courtesy : Hands Of Light By Barbara Ann Branan

To seek presence of future disease I first Dowse on my Chakras. I ask following questions to my pendulum

1) Energy of my base ChakraPositive
2) Sacral ChakraPositive
3) Solar Plexus ChakraPositive
4) Heart ChakraNegative
5) Throat ChakraPositive
6) Head ChakraPositive
7) Crown ChakraPositive

I get negative energy of my heart chakra which implies possible problem with my heart in future. To confirm this I dowse Systems as follows.

1) Energy of my Digestive system PPositive
2) Respiratory systemPositive
3a) Excretory system (solid)Positive
3b) Excretory system (liquid) PPositive
4) Reproductive systemPositive
5) Cardiac systemNegative
6) Circulatory systemNegative
7) Nervous SystemPositive
8) Muscular systemPositive
9) Immune systemPositive

The above information confirms problem with my heart in future. Final confirmation can be taken by dowsing on major organs as follows :

Heart, Lung, Liver, Right kidney, Left kidney, Brain, Right hand, Left hand, Right leg, Left leg.

If I get energy of my heart negative, I am heading for trouble with my heart in future. Because this is a future health problem I cannot go to my physician. I can only go to a Healer for Reiki Healing, Pranic Healing, Mantra Healing or any other Healing therapy

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