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Ultimate Guide to Kirlian Photography

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What is Kirlian photography?

Kirlian photography, also known as electrography, is a unique technique that captures the subtle energy fields surrounding living organisms. It was named after Semyon Kirlian and his wife Valentina, who accidentally discovered this phenomenon in the 1930s. The process involves using high-voltage electricity to create an electrical discharge, which results in the capturing of mesmerizing images that seem to reveal an unseen world of electrical energy.

Kirlian photography is often associated with capturing the aura or biofield of living beings. The aura is believed to be a luminous energy field that surrounds every living organism, representing its physical, emotional, and spiritual states. By photographing this energy field, Kirlian photography provides a visual representation of the unseen aspects of life.

The history of Kirlian photography

Kirlian photography has a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. In the 1930s, Semyon Kirlian and his wife Valentina accidentally discovered this phenomenon while experimenting with high-voltage equipment. They observed that when they placed an object on a photographic plate, connected it to a high-voltage power source, and exposed it to photographic paper, an ethereal image was formed.

Their discovery led to further research and experimentation, and Kirlian photography gained significant attention in the scientific community. However, it wasn’t until the 1970s that Kirlian photography gained popularity outside of scientific circles, thanks to its association with the New Age movement and the belief in the existence of auras.

How does Kirlian photography work?

Kirlian photography works on the principle of high-voltage photography. When an object is placed on a conductive plate and connected to a high-voltage power source, a corona discharge is generated around the edges of the object. This discharge ionizes the air, creating a visible glow. The high-frequency electrical currents flowing through the object and the air create a unique pattern that is captured on photographic film or digital sensors.

The resulting images display intricate patterns of light and color, often resembling a glowing halo around the object. These patterns are believed to represent the energy fields surrounding the object, providing insights into its energetic state.

Common misconceptions about Kirlian photography

Kirlian photography has been the subject of many misconceptions and misunderstandings over the years. One common misconception is that Kirlian photography can capture the actual aura of a person or object. While the images produced by Kirlian photography are visually captivating, they do not directly represent the aura. Instead, they capture the electrical discharge created by the high-voltage current flowing through the object.

Another misconception is that Kirlian photography can diagnose illness or predict health conditions. While Kirlian photography can provide insights into the energetic state of an object, it should not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. The images produced by Kirlian photography are not scientifically validated indicators of health.

Benefits and applications of Kirlian photography

Kirlian photography has found applications in various fields, including alternative medicine, psychology, and even forensics. In alternative medicine, Kirlian photography is used to assess the energetic state of individuals, detecting imbalances and blockages in their energy fields. It is also believed to provide insights into emotional and spiritual well-being.

In psychology, Kirlian photography is used to study the subtle energy changes that occur during emotional states and interactions. It provides a visual representation of the energetic dynamics between individuals, shedding light on the energetic aspects of human behavior.

In forensics, Kirlian photography has been used to detect and analyze fingerprints, as the electrical discharge captured in the images can reveal hidden details that are not visible to the naked eye.

How to take Kirlian photographs

Taking Kirlian photographs requires specific equipment and setup. Here are the basic steps to get started:

  1. Choose a suitable object: Select an object with interesting textures or shapes, such as a leaf, flower, or even your hand.
  2. Prepare the conductive plate: Place a conductive plate, such as a sheet of metal or glass, on a stable surface. This plate will act as the base for the object.
  3. Connect the object to the power source: Attach a wire or conductive material to the object, ensuring it makes good contact. Connect the other end of the wire to the high-voltage power source.
  4. Set up the camera: Position the camera above the conductive plate, ensuring it captures the entire object and the corona discharge around it.
  5. Capture the image: Activate the high-voltage power source to create the electrical discharge. Simultaneously, trigger the camera to capture the image. Experiment with exposure settings and lighting conditions to achieve the desired results.

Tips for getting the best results in Kirlian photography

To capture compelling Kirlian photographs, consider the following tips:

  1. Experiment with different objects: Try photographing various objects with different textures, shapes, and sizes. Each object will produce a unique pattern of electrical discharge, resulting in diverse and captivating images.
  2. Control the lighting conditions: Avoid direct light sources that can overpower the corona discharge. Experiment with diffused lighting to create a soft glow around the object.
  3. Fine-tune the exposure settings: Adjust the exposure settings of your camera to capture the fine details of the corona discharge without overexposing the image. Bracketing exposures can help you find the optimal settings.
  4. Maintain a stable setup: Ensure that the object and conductive plate are stable during the photography process. Any movement can result in blurred images or inconsistent patterns.
  5. Practice patience and experimentation: Kirlian photography is a process of trial and error. Experiment with different setups, objects, and exposure settings to discover the most captivating images.

Kirlian photography equipment and setup

To get started with Kirlian photography, you will need the following equipment:

  1. High-voltage power source: A high-voltage power source is essential for generating the electrical discharge. It can be a dedicated Kirlian photography device or a customized setup using transformers and capacitors.
  2. Conductive plate: A conductive plate, such as a sheet of metal or glass, acts as the base for the object. It allows the electrical current to flow through the object and the surrounding air.
  3. Camera: A digital camera or film camera is required to capture the Kirlian images. It should have manual exposure settings to allow for precise control over the image.
  4. Wire or conductive material: A wire or conductive material is used to connect the object to the high-voltage power source. It should be able to maintain a good electrical connection.
  5. Stable surface: A stable surface is necessary to hold the conductive plate and the object securely during the photography process.

Famous examples of Kirlian photographs

Over the years, several famous Kirlian photographs have captured the imagination of people around the world. One such example is the Kirlian photograph of a leaf, which showcases the intricate network of energy channels within the leaf. This image highlights the interconnectedness of all living organisms and the energy that permeates every aspect of life.

Another famous example is the Kirlian photograph of a hand, which reveals the unique patterns and variations in the energy field surrounding the fingers. This image symbolizes the individuality and uniqueness of each person’s energy field.


Kirlian photography offers a captivating glimpse into the unseen world of energy fields surrounding living organisms. It has fascinated scientists, artists, and enthusiasts alike for decades. By using high-voltage electricity, Kirlian photography captures mesmerizing images that reveal the intricate patterns of electrical energy.

In this ultimate guide to Kirlian photography, we have explored the history, science, and applications of this unique art form. We have also provided tips and advice to help you get started with your own Kirlian photography experiments. So, embrace the ethereal beauty of Kirlian photography and embark on a visual adventure like no other!

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