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How does the emWave2 work?

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emWave2 A handheld device that helps you manage stress and improve wellness

The emWave2 is a portable biofeedback device to help you calm down, combat stress, or fight panic attacks. It can help you achieve certain goals such as relaxation, or awareness of your heart rate and breathing. This is based on what they call “the coherence breakthrough” which seems to just be an awareness of what is going on with your body.

The emWave2 device also comes with software that gives information on the science behind how emWave2 works, and on how to use emWave2.

The emWave2 is very easy to use. Just put your thumb on the sensor (or use the included ear sensor) and breathe along with the moving lights. As you relax, the device measures your heart rate, and the red light changes to blue and then to green. When blue or green, the device starts piling up marks showing you that you’re remaining relaxed and calm and aware of your breathing. They are taken away if you go back into the red zone. With very little practice, I was able to keep the unit in the green zone most of the time.

The emWave2 technology is an innovative approach to improving wellness and facilitating personal growth based on learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our psychological and physiological processes.

The emWave technology collects pulse data through a pulse sensor and translates the information from your heart rhythms into graphics on your computer or into easy to follow lights on the portable emWave Personal Stress Reliever. Used just a few minutes a day, this simple-to-use technology helps you transform feelings of anger, anxiety or frustration into more peace, ease and clarity.

The device has different settings for the challenge level, display brightness, and sound level, which you can change depending on your needs at the time. You can use the included software to track a lot of data, so if you’re a data geek, this is a great way to get more out of the device. Doing well with the unit over time will give you a higher score. There are also some built-in games and activities, as well as plenty of videos on how to use the device and the science behind why and how it works. But even if you aren’t interested in this information, the emWave2 helps you practice your breathing and awareness, both of which can help you relax. Done on a regular basis, you are likely to notice less stress and anxiety.

The more you use the emWave2, the more you will be used to practicing your breathing. I noticed that just a short session with it can calm you, and using it over longer periods can have even more substantial benefits. If you’re anything like me, when I am having anxiety, it helps to have something to focus on, both visually and mentally.

Even if you don’t suffer from panic attacks or anxiety, with our hectic, fast-paced lives, anyone could benefit from a short breather (literally) now and then.

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