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How to Scan your aura energy and measure the state of your health

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Aura Photography Test

When aura photographing a part of the human body, the Kirlian effect or aura effect depends on the skin’s resistance, which interacts with the electrical charge thus changing its intensity. The resulting aura image is therefore only an indirect reproduction of the aura’s energetic field.

The Kirlian effect or Aura Effect is a particular optical-photographic effect characterized by the presence of a glow around the Human Body…

BIO-WELL GDV Camera can measure the aura energetic field in its physical-psychological-emotional-spiritual components, the health of organs and body parts, the opening of chakras, as well as the stress and human energy levels.

BIO-WELL GDV Camera created by the Russian physic Dr.Kostantin Korotkov and based on the Kirlian effect – is on the other hand a bioelectrography tool, which however goes well beyond the Kirlian camera

BIO-WELL GDV Camera is the first tool for viewing the distribution of the human field’s energy or Aura Energy, a process that can be easily reproduced and printed at a low cost By taking fingerprints.

Energy scan by Bio-Well GDV Camera is used to understand the chakras, hormonal imbalances and to measure the energy shift before and after a full Health or Healing treatment

  • Detect energy imbalances in the body much before the occurrence of the disease
  • Enables proactive measures to be taken for restoring health and preventing sickness.
  • Offers an in-depth insight into the impact your lifestyle has on your energy levels and in the case of an imbalance, there is immediate understanding on what needs to change.
  • Provides a perfect visual interpretation for understanding imbalances in the body.
  • It helps to track the body’s responses to physical and mental activities.

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