Through real-time online analysis, the bio well aura camera creates a visual interpretation of your body’s aura energy.
GDV technology references well-known aura beliefs to create a visualization of your aura energy data. The aura reading camera takes readings of your hand finger via a sensor and then uses advanced bio-well software to convert this data into easy-to-read reports and diagrams, chart analysis. You’ll be able to appraise your body aura and chakra alignment, the size on the spot and can even track its progress over time.
Understanding your aura-energies and chakra size and alignment has never been easier.

The Bio-Well Aura Camera is the most advanced innovative aura scanning camera that’s perfect for any healers, alternative medicine practitioner, therapist, and health professional. Our GDV aura photography device is built for easy use at healing centers, alternative medicine practitioner clinics, health and wellness centers, and yoga centers alike.
If you’re a healer and health professional, you’ll enjoy an array of aura photography camera benefits. Our aura reading technology makes it easy for your clients to attain a visual understanding of their aura energy, and you’ll be furnished with the necessary reports to provide them with clear understandings and clarification of the facts.
Our aura photography camera can’t fix health disorders. But our incredible Bio-Well GDV technology can help as an essential leader on one’s path to improved health and wellness.
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